College media Business & Advertising Managers





Entry Deadline: (Uploaded by) Friday, July 19, 2024 by 7 p.m. Central Time

Please read all the information regarding this competition.



All entries are judged by qualified media and advertising professionals. No member of the CMBAM board or any CMBAM member school will assist in judging.



For all categories, we encourage our judges to award a first, second, and third-place winner. Judges may decide to award honorable mentions.

Points are awarded to a school in each category following this scale:

  • 1st place: 8 points
  • 2nd place: 5 points
  • 3rd place: 3 points
  • Honorable Mention: 1 point



Categories are separated into two divisions: products and sales and marketing. The school with the highest total points in each division will receive awards for:

  • Best College Media Production program
  • Best College Media Sales and Marketing program 



Ties will be decided by the most first-place awards, followed by total awards in the Division.



Entries improperly or incompletely prepared or uploaded will be reviewed for errors. The Member Recognition and Awards Director will attempt to correct minor errors, but rules will be strictly enforced, without exception. Failure to comply with the contest entry rules will result in disqualification from the category for which submitted.

Please refer to the individual category descriptions and rules for detailed explanations of requirements.



Categories, rules, judging criteria, and entry instructions for each category are outlined in this document. If you still have questions about the contest or your entries after reading the entry instructions, please contact CMBAM Member Recognition and Awards Director, Rob Steedley, by email at



All entries must have been published or used by the college media company between June 1, 2023, and May 31, 2024.

All entries must have been originally developed by a current CMBAM member with contest and membership dues paid by the time of entry. All entries must be wholly designed and produced by student staff members of the publication.



Each category will list the number of submissions possible directly after the title of the category. If there are more submissions than the category allows, the first entries in those categories will be the submissions judged. All subsequent submissions will be discarded.

file submission guidelines:

  • Use this naming convention for files: category number_org name_college/university. DO NOT use spaces, commas, or special characters.
  • Here is a sample file name: P1_MinnesotaDaily_UniversityOfMinnesota
  • If you are submitting multiple entries, please add an underscore and number of the entry to the name: P1_MinnesotaDaily_UniversityOfMinnesota_1
  • All individual and general category submissions should be submitted as a single reduced-file-size PDF.
  • Specified digital/photo category submissions should be submitted as a single .JPG, .GIF or .PNG file.
  • Specified multimedia category submissions should be submitted as a URL that links to the correct file/webpage.
  • Individual files should not exceed 100MB.

Awards distribution:

Awards will be presented at our fall convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Nov. 7-9, 2024.

Contest Site: will host the contest platform. Please direct all questions regarding the contest website to Rob Steedley, Member Recognition and Awards Director, at You must be logged in with an active CMBAM memberhsip to access the entry forms linked below.

Note that CMBAM memberships run July 1 to June 30 of each year. Therefore 2023-2024 memberhsips expired on Sunday, June 30, 2024. Your CMBAM account must have an active 2024-2025 membership to access the contest entry forms at this time. If you haven’t yet renewed your school’s membership, do that first at